The 4th will be with you; 4x25 apps due this Thursday!
I'm really grateful for the enthusiastic response from so many folks on this wacky idea. Thank you. If you've got ideas, you've got a few more days; share away!!!
Friends, I’m not sharing enough about what’s happening in EVs and electric home-ing. And there’s a lot. Some quiet, sad news, some loud goodness. Next week I’ll be back with much more on actually helping YOU going electric.
For now, here’s one more post on how it’s going meeting curious, clever people interested in being an Experimental COO with me this summer. tl;dr: amazing.
The deadline for applying or nominating is May 4th.
Here’s where to apply and nominate. There’s $100 for anyone who nominates a COO who gets asked to do the thing.
Office hours sessions have been a blast
Here’s a short video on the most FA-ed Qs.
If you’re curious about any of this, please sign up here for the last few office hour slots before the deadline.
An example or two always helps
This thread includes an example or two on each of these four business ideas.
Thanks again for your help! See you next week right here, Matt